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Quote from Janine in Open House

Barbara: Taylor's visiting from New York, and since open house is usually so long and sparsely attended, I invited her to keep me company.
Janine: Oh, wow! New York. You know, last time I was there, I was shopping on Canal Street, and I see this huge rat. So I pull out my phone to take a picture of it, but then this flying piece of garbage just smacks me in the face, so dropped my phone, went in the gutter, never saw it again.
Taylor: Wow. That story had everything.
Janine: Man, this is so cool 'cause, you know, you're Barbara's blood daughter, and I'm her work daughter.
Taylor: Uh, her work daughter?
Janine: Yep. Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no. You're not jealous, are you? Because you got all the perks.
Taylor: So many perks.
Janine: Yeah, shopping trips, boy talks, period talks. Those must have been moving. I wish I could've gotten one from my mom or even Barbara.
Barbara: [to Taylor] So why don't we just take a look at some of the children's art?
Taylor: Yeah.
[aside to camera:]
Janine: Oh, I can't even imagine having a mom like Barbara. I used to do this thing with my mom where I would say to her exactly what I wanted to hear, hoping she would just say it back, and she'd just keep playing my Game Boy, so...

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