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Quote from Ava in Art Teacher

Mrs. Temple: And that's why Abbott will always stay in my heart. [chuckles] Alright, I'll wrap this up. You know how I can carry on. Right, Ava? [laughter]
Ava: I know you can, girl. [gives confused look to camera]
Mrs. Temple: Oh. [laughs] Barbara, thank you for all your kindness. Mel, all that you've done for me. I don't know how...
Gregory: [whispers] Who is she again?
[aside to camera:]
Barbara: I do not know that woman's name.
Melissa: No, I know this. I know this. It's, uh...
[separately to camera:]
Ava: Is she a gym teacher? I don't really mess with gym teachers. Their voices never match their faces.

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