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Quote from Melissa in Teacher Conference

Kristin Marie: Act natural.
Melissa: Why are you dressed like Inspector Gadget?
Kristin Marie: I am not. If anything, I'm Carmen Sandiego, and like her, I am not here. I heard some stuff at the conference this weekend.
Melissa: I didn't take that comforter, it fell into my bag.
Kristin Marie: No. Draemond Winding, Legendary Charter jabroni, is coming for Abbott.
Melissa: Wha... Who told you this?
Kristin Marie: It's PECSA weekend, people talk. He's set on turning youse guys' charter.
Melissa: Pssh. I've been looking for a good fight ever since my exterminator died. I'm ready.
Kristin Marie: Yeah, you better be. If Abbott goes charter, none of your jobs are safe. Nobody could know I was here.
Melissa: Okay.
Janine: Hey, Kristin Marie Schemmenti? Hey! What's up? [laughs] You know, I never realized how beautiful your name was. Kristin Marie Schemmenti. Kristin Marie Schemmenti! [chuckles] [Kristin mumbles and starts to walk away] Yeah, she's great. Bye, Kristin!

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