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Quote from Melissa in Fight

Melissa: Hey, Tasia, come here. Can you do Ms. Schemmenti a favor? Can you take this tub of dirty paint water and empty it out in the sink in the bathroom at the end of the hall?
Tasia: I doubt it, but I'll try. [Tasia starts spilling the water as she walks out] Oh.
[aside to camera:]
Melissa: Operation Splash Interference is in effect.
Tasia: Ms. Schemmenti, I spilled all over the bathroom. I'm sorry.
Melissa: You did great, kid.
Ava: [over P.A.] Attention Abbott Custodian, A.K.A. Mr. Johnson. We have a drop and mop. Drop what you're doing and mop. Report to the girls' bathroom at the east end hallway, ASAPington.

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