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Quote from Melissa in Read-A-Thon

Janine: Yeah, well, speech or no speech, something is off.
Melissa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you accusing me of cheating, Teagues?
Janine: Uh, yeah. Only because you brag about cheating all the time. [Melissa scoffs]
Barbara: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Now, now, Melissa does cheat from time to time.
Melissa: Yeah, my first boyfriend. My... My second boyfriend. Keto diet 'cause I ain't giving up carbs.
Barbara: But she would never cheat on an actual competition.
Melissa: Yeah. What am I, the USC athletic director? Okay, fine. You know what? I'm gonna go right now and check my readers' reports just to make sure we're on the level, alright?

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