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Quote from Jacob in Read-A-Thon

Jacob: Clarence, Raheem, it is an honor to embark with you on the inaugural voyage of This Abbott Life. Producer Gregory and I...
Gregory: Mr. Eddie. [looks to camera]
Jacob: We understand that the world needs your stories, and this podcast is going to be a window into the very soul of Abbott. Soft, inviting intros, rhetorical questions dripping with pregnant pauses, the Ira Glass model.
Clarence: What type of pauses?
Raheem: What's an Ira Glass?
Jacob: Ira Glass? The godfather of podcasting, the podfather?
Clarence: Oh, you mean Joe Budden.
Jacob: Well, I-I think he pronounces it Biden, but we will work on diction when the mics are hot.
Clarence: You've never heard of Joe Budden? Here. [indistinct chatter through earbuds] [bleeping]
Jacob: Whoa! Okay. [students both laugh] I'm not sure how Mr. Budden's mother would feel about that podcast.

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