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Quote from Janine in Zoo Balloon

Janine: Kenny, how you doing? You, uh, enjoying learning about that bird life?
Kenny: I guess.
Janine: You know, Kenny, I hear you're worried about going to the second grade. But it really isn't that big a change. It's, like, two nickels' worth. Yeah, you'll have all the same friends, and it'll be in the same place.
Kenny: Really?
Janine: Yeah.
Kenny: That's good, I guess.
Janine: Yeah, it isn't like you'd be moving to a new city where you maybe don't know anyone except for one person. And maybe that person isn't even thinking about how this is gonna affect you. It's just crazy. [off Kenny's look] All right. Let's regroup after the bird show, all right? That's a parakeet.

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