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Quote from Jacob in Student Transfer

Vick: Ol' I should have been a hooper, but basketball didn't exist lookin' boy.
Raheem: 1800s Slenderman in the face.
Jacob: Okay, while these are hilarious, let's try and incorporate some of the lessons into the roast.
Vick: Ol' bullet in the head at Ford's Theatre lookin' boy.
Raheem: My mans got ain't been sleeping four score and seven years ago bags all up under his eyes.
Cierra: Abe Lincoln. I'm Abe Lincoln, Mr. Hill.
Jacob: Yes, yes! Good work, team!
[Gregory gives Jacob a thumbs up as he passes his classroom. Jacob returns two thumbs up.]
[aside to camera:]
Jacob: Yeah, I guess, like, thumbs up is kind of our thing now.

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