Dick Quote #279
Quote from Dick in See Dick Continue to Run: Part 2
Sally: Come on, Dick.
Dick: Oh, what does she see in him? Sure, he's gorgeous, but it's all part of his depraved scheme. How dare he! How dare she. Did what we have mean nothing to her? Wait. She thinks he's me. But he's going to get her because he's deceiving her. And she'll be his forever. In a way, mine. But she likes-- but he-- I oughta-- - but, she, I-
Tommy: Dick, hey, snap out of it! You have to take action.
Dick: You're right. I've got it! We're moving to Florida.
All: What?!
Dick: It's warm all the time. The land is cheap. And the fishing... bass as big as your arm.
Sally: [slaps Dick] We're not going anywhere. Now you listen to me. This afternoon when I was with Albright arranging this date-
Dick: You arranged this date?
Sally: Yeah, but the point is-
Dick: You set this up? What are you, his pimp?
3rd Rock from the Sun Quotes
‘See Dick Continue to Run: Part 2’ Quotes
Quote from Tommy
Mary: What's going on? Dick is acting strangely.
Tommy: Listen, Dr. Albright. Dick, he's got a lot of baggage. It's an internal struggle.
[Dick and Evil Dick continue fighting in the living room]
Mary: Oh, that poor thing. I didn't know.
Tommy: No, you couldn't know, 'cause he's been afraid. See, he's been lonely for such a long time. And as the years went by, he fell into despair and lost all hope, for what woman could ever learn to love a beast?
Quote from Dick
Dick: So what do we do now?
Mary: Well, it's been a long night, but why don't you just put your arm around me, and we'll look up at the stars?
Dick: The stars, yes. They look like lovers locked in a celestial embrace.
Mary: Why don't you just look at those trees?
Dick: The trees, they look like lovers, their limbs exploring and fondling each other.
Mary: How about we look at that couple in the window?
Dick: Wow! They're going at it like trees.
Quote from Dick
Evil Dick: Stay and witness my moment of glory as I impregnate the entire population of Ohio with my demon progeny.
Tommy: Wait, wait, wait. Even the men?
Evil Dick: Okay, not the men.
Sally: Not little girls?
Evil Dick: No, no, not them.
Tommy: Wait. What about elderly women?
Evil Dick: I don't think so.
Harry: What about women who are already pregnant?
Evil Dick: Oh, shut up, all of you!