Judith Quote #34

Quote from Judith in There's No Business Like Dick Business

Judith: I'm gonna squash you like a bug, Harry Solomon! Die! Die! Die! If I'm not mistaken, I think I just released my inner animal. Thank you, Harry.
Harry: Oh, well, it's my pleasure.


 ‘There's No Business Like Dick Business’ Quotes

Quote from Don

Don: Mary, this a composite sketch of your assailant, based on all the eyewitness accounts.
Mary: Why is his head so big? Why is he holding a tennis racquet?
Don: Well, the department can't afford a full-time sketch artist, so we had the caricature guy from the birthday party do it.
Sally: He also did a great one of Don as a cowboy.
Don: Yeah.

Quote from Judith

Mary: I'm really excited about this class. I think learning self-defense will come in handy.
Judith: Indeed, Mary. I am so tired of going to the bars and being groped by every straight man in Rutherford.

Quote from Don

Mary: Harry, we've been out here for two hours. What are we doing?
Harry: I told you, Albright. We're taking back the park.
Judith: From whom?
Harry: From him. That's the guy who stole Albright's purse.
Mary: Really?
Don: I don't know, Mary. He's not carrying a tennis racket and his head's a normal size.