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Quote from Dick in The Big Giant Head Returns Again Part 1

Mary: Dick, we're gonna be late for--
Dick: [moaning]
Mary: Oh, my god, Dick, what's wrong with you?
Dick: I'm burning up, Mary. I can't hold anything down. I was throwing up all night. I don't think I can go out.
Mary: Oh, well, in that case, I'll stay home and take care of you.
Dick: No, Mary, go! Save yourself before you get whatever I-
Big Giant Head: [enters] Dick, let's hit the town.
Mary: Stone Phillips! What's he doing here?
Dick: He- He's here to take me to the hospital.
Big Giant Head: The Hospital? What a great name for a jazz club.
Mary: Club? You're not really sick, are you? How can you be so insensitive?
Dick: Quick, Mary, the cat's on fire.

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