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Quote from Harry in Paranoid Dick

Tommy: $4,200 is not bad for a night's work.
Harry: Exactly. Now, let's treat ourselves to a souvenir visor.
Tommy: Oh, they're nice.
Harry: Well, I'll get one for each of us.
Tommy: Okay.
Harry: Ooh. How 'bout a high roller tote bag? Vicki would love this. I would love this. I'll get two. Ooh. And a jumbo tin of river taffy.
Tommy: Let's slow down.
Harry: This all the snow globes you got?
Tommy: Harry, come on, that's enough.
Harry: Ooh. Look at this jacket. I need a medium. You got a medium?
Tommy: Harry, walk away.
Harry: Don't touch me. I know what I'm doing. Cocktails!

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