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Quote from Harry in Sally Forth

Vicki Dubcek: It's cold out there, Harry. You want a little piece of my afghan?
Harry: Oh, see? Now, that's the respect I deserve. Upstairs no one ever offers me a piece. Much less sleeps with me on a semi-regular basis.
Vicki Dubcek: Still, I'm kinda sorry that mama turned off your family's heat up there.
Harry: [snorts] Family. That's not my family anymore. You heard what Dick said. I'm a Dubcek now. And Dick's gotta learn that you can't take advantage of a Dubcek. We come from a proud people, Vicki. Don't we?
Vicki Dubcek: Well, not so much proud as... uppity.
Harry: Uppity! Right. Good. And you can't take advantage of uppity people. Uppity people are not to be taken advantage of!
Vicki Dubcek: Harry, you've- you've become so ruthless.
Harry: Oh, I'm a bitch, Vicki.

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