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Quote from Dick in Happy New Dick!

Mary: Well, that's it. It's New Year's.
Dick: It is. It's 1999. It's- It's literally a new year.
Mary: That's where the name came from.
Dick: Mary, this is wonderful! I feel like a vast weight has been lifted. I see this endless horizon rich with possibility.
Mary: I see 15 gallons of spoiled cider and a pot of congealed fondue.
Dick: Oh, god, Mary. I'm so sorry. I've ruined your party, your night. I've ruined everything. Can you ever forgive me?
Mary: I've got a lot of burnt cheese to scrape when I get home.
Dick: I'll scrape your cheese, Mary. I'll do anything. Please? As of midnight, I became a new man. Can't we just shut the door on last year and look ahead?
Mary: I thought you said New Year's was just a random spot in the earth's orbit.
Dick: That was last year's Dick. He is so over.

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