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Quote from Harry in The Physics of Being Dick

Harry: You know how they say if you really want a job, it'll just fall right in your lap?
Bar Owner: Uh, no.
Harry: And how desperation is the surest road to success.
Bar Owner: I never heard that.
Harry: Why do they say those things? Why?
Bar Owner: I'm not sure they do.
Harry: I fell for the lies. Pounded the pavement, and now here I am. And there are no jobs for guys like me.
Bar Owner: You know, I've been looking for a new bartender for a while now.
Harry: Do you mind, buddy? We're talking about my problems now.
Bar Owner: I'm saying I need somebody to start today.
Harry: Uh, yeah. Well, I guess you're out of luck.
Bar Owner: Why, what do you got going on?
Harry: I'm looking for a job, brainiac!

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