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Quote from Dick in 36! 24! 36! Dick: Part 1

Tommy: She was asking for our help, and we weren't there for her. Oh, who knows what they're doing to her now.
Dick: We were sitting on our duffs while she's single-handedly trying to save Earth! Earth. Maybe it isn't the biggest planet in the galaxy or the roundest but I've come to think of it as home.
Tommy: I was gonna retire here. You know, in Boca.
Harry: Poor Mascha, in their clutches.
Tommy: She's one of them, you idiot!
Dick: We've got to save earth, and we've gotta save Sally! Let's go!
Tommy: Wait! Wait if we run into one of those cunning, manipulative women?
Dick: You're right. Everyone grab a comb and a dinner jacket. Let's go!

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