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Quote from Mary in Dick-in-law

Dick: I'll give you the secret to a great bloody Mary, Dick. Horseradish.
Martha Albright: It's not the horseradish, Georgie. It's the vodka.
George Albright: You know, getting this hot tub was the smartest thing I've ever done.
Dick: Oh, really? And what would the stupidest, most loathsome, and hurtful thing be?
George Albright: Not getting the floating thermometer. Can I get you anything, Dick? A drink? Maybe some coffee?
Dick: Tea. Or maybe me. Is that what the little flying strumpet said to entice you? Is one sleazy pickup line all it takes to destroy a family?!
Martha Albright: Mary! For god's sakes. You told him?
Mary: I couldn't stand it anymore.
George Albright: Martha. You told our daughter about my- my- my-
Martha Albright: That's right! Your little fling. You-hoo-hoo bet I told her.
George Albright: So she could play the martyr for 36 years.

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