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Quote from Dick in Dick and the Single Girl

Dick: Ah, my little tigress. Once again I must tell you how magnificent you were.
Mary: I was pretty terrific, wasn't I? Dick, does Sonja have something I don't have?
Dick: Oh, yes, a gargoyle door-knocker.
Mary: I mean, do I stimulate you enough intellectually?
Dick: Oh, Mary. [chuckles] No.
Mary: What?
Dick: Nobody does. But that's not what I want from you, Mary. I want to hear about your day, what you had for lunch, why you got so mad at the dry cleaners, your charmingly misguided theories on evolution. Your voice, Mary, I want to hear your beautiful voice.
Mary: Thank you.
Dick: Mary?
Mary: What?
Dick: You're hurting my hand.

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