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Quote from Dick in Same Old Song and Dick

Mary: So you glad we tried something new?
Dick: Not really. In fact, it made me uncomfortable and cold. And kind of shrivelly. I guess we have to accept the inevitable, things will never be new again. But I'm strong enough to go on. And on, and on, and on.
Mary: [farts] Excuse me.
Dick: Mary!
Mary: I said excuse me.
Dick: No. No, it's fine. I've never heard you do that before. Do you realize what this means?
Mary: Beef and broccoli?
Dick: Yes, but so much more! Don't you see, it didn't bother you. And I didn't bother me.
Mary: Well, good, 'cause there's another one on the way.
Dick: It's the best possible sign. We've entered a new phase. It's like you said, relationships change. We've become comfortable with each other. It's as if you've trumpeted the dawn of our new era!

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