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Quote from Dick in See Dick Continue to Run: Part 2

Sally: You did it!
Dick: Oh, no, not just me, Lieutenant. I had a little help from my friends.
Sally: Oh, stop.
Dick: Ricki Lake, Jerry Springer, and Sally Jessy. Now listen up, everyone. I know that in the past I worried that we watch too much television. Well, all I can say is, god bless television and the many ways in which television enriches our lives. From now on, I order you to watch more television than ever before.
All: Aye, aye, sir!
Dick: Well, what are we waiting for? Tommy, call the Hut and get a pizza.
Tommy: Yes, sir!
Dick: Harry, warm up that television.
Harry: You got it.
Dick: And, Sally, go get yourself a decent pair of pants.
Sally: Thank you, sir.

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