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Quote from Dick in Dick'll Take Manhattan Part 2

Mary: Dick, if you're intent on spending money on me, I can think of other ways of doing it.
Dick: Well, like how?
Mary: Like giving me money. I'm sorry, was that too blunt?
Dick: Yes, but money's not important. What's important is that we love each other. What we have is true love.
Mary: I can't do it. I can't take advantage of another deluded guy.
Dick: No, you're wrong, Mary. You're the one who's deluded. Because whether you know it or not, we were meant to be together.
Mary: Oh, God.
Dick: I love you, Mary.
Mary: Oh, stop talking about love. True love doesn't exist.
Dick: True love is real. And powerful and wonderful!
Mary: Oh, don't you think I'd like to believe in love? Life would be a lot simpler if I could.
Dick: Then pretend.
Mary: How?
Dick: It's easy.

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