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Quote from Tommy in The House That Dick Built

Dick: You know, every night before I go to sleep, I look at myself in the mirror, sometimes for hours, and I commend myself for how well I've kept this unit together. But tonight I see only failure. I'm a bad High Commander.
Tommy: Oh, you're an excellent High Commander. It's a very difficult planet. You know, humans grow. It makes other humans hurt. It's Earth. You know, what are you gonna do?
Dick: How do you know so much?
Tommy: Dick, I'm the oldest. When you get to be my age, you just know things. Are you gonna be okay?
Dick: [whimpers] Mm-hmm.
Tommy: Oh, come here, little buddy. Come on. It's okay. [Dick sits on Tommy's lap] It's all right.
Alissa: Tommy?
Tommy: Alissa.
Alissa: You left your bag at the Wheelers'. Uh... I'm just gonna leave this and you alone with dad and whatever the hell it is you're doing.
Tommy: Get off my lap! Alissa, look, he's not really my dad! He's just some guy I'm living with! No, no, no! Alissa!

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