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Quote from Dick in Happy New Dick!

Dick: Oh, this is fantastic. Just me and the woman I love dancing alone in the cold, still air of a crystalline winter's night. I've been a fool, and you've forgiven me. It's a perfect new year. [bells chiming] What's that?
Mary: It's the bells at the old church. Oh, my god, Dick it's New Year's now.
Dick: So the whole time we've been out here together celebrating...
Mary: It was 1998.
Dick: So I've salvaged 1998. Mary, that means-
Mary: Oh, Dick, shh! This is a beautiful moment. Don't spoil it.
Dick: But it's such-
Mary: Shh!
Dick: I'm ready to-
Mary: Shh!
Dick: Happy new year, Mary.
Mary: Happy new year, Dick.

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