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Quote from Tommy in Lonely Dick

August: You know, Tommy, you really have an old soul. I like it.
Tommy: Oh, you do? Well, um it is really, really old.
August: So, Dick's not your real father, is he?
Tommy: Wh- How'd you know?
August: Well, you seem to have this kind of loyalty to him but no real emotional connection. Tommy? Have I upset you?
Tommy: No, I was just trying to look down your blouse.
August: Oh, God!
Tommy: What? What did I say? What?
August: I don't know how I ever could have expected a 14-year-old boy - and I emphasize "boy" - to be able to separate my body from my mind.
Tommy: Wait, August, they're attached. Wait! Hold on. Wait! Come back! Wait. Stop. Let's talk about my feelings some more. They're really screwed up. [to Dick] You heard me.

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