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Quote from Tommy in Dick's First Birthday

Coach: Now that you boys are going through the road to manhood, I'm sure many of you have noticed certain feelings. [Tommy raises his hand] What is it, Solomon?
Tommy: What kind of feelings?
Coach: You know what kind of feelings.
Tommy: No, I don't.
Coach: You'll know 'em when you get 'em, hmm? Now, they're perfectly normal. For god's sake, don't act on 'em.
Tommy: Uh, sorry, you're losing me.
Coach: You play sports, you focus on your schoolwork, and when you take a shower, you wash your hair and get the hell out of there.
Tommy: Oh, you're talking about sex!
Coach: Yes.
Tommy: Great! Great. Tell me exactly how it's done.
Coach: Well, you're men. And your male and your female, they have these certain parts that are, uh... How do you call, uh? Complementary to each other. These parts come into play and that's how we all were born.
Tommy: Now, I'm sorry, but can we get somebody who's actually had sex to teach this class?

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