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Quote from Sally in Tricky Dick

Don: The time has come to lay down the law. If you're not ready to give this relationship 110% then maybe we should start seeing other people.
Sally: Don! I can't believe you're saying this.
Don: Well, I am. If it turns out there's somebody that we want, we should be free to just move on.
Sally: Don, it's like you can read my mind!
Don: It is?
Sally: Yeah. You see, there's this guy I met -Matthew - and I gotta level with you, I want him bad!
Don: You do? Well good. No need wasting precious seconds pining over Don.
Sally: Exactly! Oh, Don, you really understand me. I mean, you know what I need and you tell me to go for it.
It's like you're the best friend a gal like me could have.
Don: Sally, would you do me a favor?
Sally: Absolutely.
Don: Hold on to my gun.

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