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Quote from Dick in Guilty as Dick

Dick: Sally?! Sally?! [wails]
Sally: God, what?!
Dick: I can't reach the remote.
Sally: It's right there!
Dick: But I can't get to it, Sally.
Sally: So?!
Dick: Oh, Lieutenant. Do you know what it's like to feel helpless? To be robbed of your freedom by an injury? To be a burden on your family? Oh, God, how you must hate me!
Sally: I'm experiencing the strangest sensation. I feel bad that you feel bad and even though I know it'll be annoying, I just can't seem to fight it. Dick, can I get you anything?!
Dick: Make me a sandwich and cut it diagonally.
Sally: Okay.
Dick: [stands up] Oh, you forgot the remote! [dances] My foot! It's better! No!

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