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Quote from Sally in Hotel Dick

Sally: You there, forget the windows and scrub that sink until I see my face in it. Thanks. [knock at door] Oh, coming! [opens door]
Bellhop: Good afternoon, ma'am.
Sally: Good afternoon.
Bellhop: I'm here to pick up your dry cleaning.
Sally: That pile on the luggage. Hell, do the luggage, too.
Dick: Sally, I just feel terrible.
Sally: Well, you're doing the right thing by not telling her, honey. Darling, when you're done with the bathroom, dust the credenza and fertilize the potted plants. I'm want 'em blooming and making me happy.
Dick: I came here with the sole purpose of coming clean, and now I just feel so dirty.
Sally: Just take a bubble bath. You know, the tub's got beautifully positioned jets, and the shower turns into a sauna.
Dick: "Dirty" was a metaphor.
Sally: I'm sure it was, honey. [on the phone] Hi. Yes. Could we get some eucalyptus oil up here and a couple of big, fat loofahs? Thanks.

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