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Quote from Harry in The Art of Dick

Dick: Besides, I've made a command decision. We're not going to art class anymore. It's not productive. We've experienced it. Let's move on.
Harry: All righty. [leaves and returns] Permission to speak, High Commander?
Dick: What did you say?
Harry: Permission to speak, Dick?
Dick: You've never asked permission to speak before.
Harry: I've never really had anything worth saying. Dick, this art thing means a lot to me, and I have no idea why. All I know is that I like doing it. So I want to go tomorrow whether you go or not. [quietly] I'm sorry.
Dick: There's no need to be sorry for something you're good at, Harry. You go to class.
Harry: Really?
Dick: [grins] Ye-es. If that's what makes you happy, then I'm happy.
Harry: Ohh, thanks, Dick. Mmm, now there's the smile I like.

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