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Quote from Tommy in Dick'll Take Manhattan Part 2

Darrell Hammond: I just saw Ana out in the hallway. She's crying her eyes out. What happened?
Tommy: Yeah, I broke up with her.
Darrell Hammond: Oh, sorry. I-
Tommy: Well, I was chomping at the bit, you know what I mean?
Darrell Hammond: Sure. Sure. Don't mean anything by it. You know, Tommy, it's really funny how quickly you guys hit it off. I've been trying to get Ana to go out with me for years, and she just never would-
Tommy: And she never will, man. Because she doesn't know who the real Darrell Hammond is.
Darrell Hammond: What does that mean?
Tommy: You hide behind your impressions, man. With all your wigs, your funny voices. She sees the mask and she doesn't see the man.
Darrell Hammond: Whoa.
Tommy: Let me ask you a question. What are you doin' on Update this week?
Darrell Hammond: I was gonna do Sean Connery talking about how it feels to be a senior citizen.
Tommy: Yeah, well, why don't you do Darrell Hammond talking about what it feels like to be... to be Darrell Hammond?
Darrell Hammond: I've been blind. Tommy, I've been blind. Thanks, buddy.

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