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The Lock In

‘The Lock In’

Season 1, Episode 5 - Aired October 20, 2021

Dean isn't exactly thrilled to be attending the church lock-in, until Kim tells him that's where she had her first kiss.

Quote from Adult Dean

Lillian: What is all the fuss in here?! What are you kids doing?! Dean Jeremiah Williams!
Adult Dean: Jeremiah? Aw, hell.
Pastor Reliford: What are y'all doing in here? Everybody, get to bed, where you're supposed to be! Right now!
Lillian: Go on.
Adult Dean: To add insult to injury, the commotion I caused was the perfect distraction for the kids making out like weasels in the choir room.


Quote from Adult Dean

Dean: I'm sorry about the whole... baptismal-pool thing. I, uh... I... I didn't mean to... push you.
Charlene: I thought we were having fun together.
Dean: Well, we were. It's just... I didn't know you were gonna... You know. I think you're nice, Charlene.
Charlene: Dean, I always knew you liked Keisa. I could tell 'cause you always looked at her the way, well... kind of how I always looked at you... all googly-eyed.
Dean: I don't have googly eyes. It's just the way my glasses make me look.
Charlene: [laughs] See, that's why I like you. You're just Dean.
Adult Dean: And suddenly, being "just Dean" didn't sound so bad. Turns out, Charlene was 100% right about my googly eyes.
[Charlene and Dean kiss again]
Adult Dean: At that age, I was so focused on my first kiss, and yet to this day, the second kiss is what I remember best.

Quote from Bill

Pastor Reliford: I know young men get tempted, but I wasn't expecting this type of behavior from young Dean.
Lillian: I wasn't either, but now I know better.
Bill: Well, Pastor, I apologize for any trouble he may have caused.
Adult Dean: Who got to make out? That's right. Just Dean.
[Kim playfully nudges Dean and smiles at him]
Bill: And I can assure you it won't ever happen again.
Lillian: Mm-hmm. 'Cause I got a belt that can fix showing your behind in church.
Bill: Okay, okay, baby. Let's not act in anger. We'll definitely seek the Lord's guidance on how to punish Dean.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: The saying goes, man makes plans and God laughs. Everyone had a plan for the lock-in. My parents thought it would help me discover my passion, and I thought it would land me my first kiss with Keisa. In a way, we were all right about what was gonna happen... just not in the way we expected.

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