Coach Long Quote #14

Quote from Coach Long in Black Teacher

Coach Long: No, Bill is right. D-Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
Lillian: Like you do when Mr. Davidson's always asking you to work through lunch to help him finish his reports?
Coach Long: Well, who needs 30 minutes for lunch?


 ‘Black Teacher’ Quotes

Quote from Adult Dean

[Mr. Brady is addressing the class while wearing a dashiki:]
Adult Dean: What in the Marcus Garvey...?
Mr. Brady: For the past few weeks, you've been studying The Odyssey, which is similar to the oral tradition of storytelling in many African cultures, like the Yoruba people of West Africa.
Adult Dean: He's going full Africa on Day 2?
Mr. Brady: Like the ancient Greeks, Africans passed down important history generation to generation through storytellers known as griots. These griots used different instruments, like these drums, to perform for and educate the village.
Adult Dean: Drums too? Oh, know your audience, man. This is a fiddle crowd.
[Mr. Brady starts drumming]
Brad: I'm a griot, too!
Adult Dean: I always wanted a Black teacher, but did he have to be so Black?

Quote from Kim

Mr. Brady: Well, I have to admit, I don't have a reputation for being the most subtle person.
Bill: You shouldn't have to be subtle when you're doing the right thing.
Kim: Hmm. That's right. Like Malcolm X.
Bill: Hey, if you're gonna start quoting that nonsense, you can take your leather glove and go to your room.
Kim: Okay. How about, "The time is always right to do what is right"? Is Dr. King more appropriate dinner conversation?

Quote from Adult Dean

Principal Cartwright: I'd like to introduce your new teacher. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Brady.
Adult Dean: He's Black?! I wanted to start singing the Negro National Anthem, but I didn't know the lyrics.
Girl: [to Dean] Do you know him?