Dean Quote #37

Quote from Dean in The Lock In

Lillian: Dean! Oh, baby, I'm so glad I found you. You know, I heard some of these kids are trying to plan some kind of makeout session. Your sister was right. The house of the Lord is no place to be acting fast, so I'm trying to find out who it is. Do you know anything about it?
Dean: Well, now that you asked, I did hear some kids were going to the offering room, uh, during the movie?
Lillian: Hm. Well, thank you for telling me. I will definitely be there watching. And if you hear anything else about this, you let me know. All right?
Dean: I will.
Lillian: All right, of course you will. [hugs Dean] I know I don't have to worry about you.
Adult Dean: Except for me being a big, fat liar.


 ‘The Lock In’ Quotes

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: Being 12 in the '60s was the equivalent to being in your 20s today. We didn't have helicopter parents coddling us at all times like fragile teacups. That scar? [chuckles] Got it playing "Follow the Leader" through an abandoned construction site at recess. [gargling] That mouthwash? Uncut, would make you fail a Breathalyzer test.
Bill: [enters] Dean, I need you to ride your bike down to the store and pick me up a pack of smokes.
Adult Dean: I feel like I don't have to explain that one. Okay, so, my mom still laid out my outfits for me, but those polyester clothes, made from 100% petroleum? [scoffs] Kids used to burst into flames all the time.

Quote from Lillian

Lillian: Thanks to that little tip you gave, I caught some kids getting fresh by the offering room.
Dean: [chokes] You did?
Adult Dean: Looks like my lie didn't turn out to be a lie. Look at God.
Lillian: Yes. Kids will be kids. But save that stuff for the cornfields and the haylofts, where it belongs.
Adult Dean: Mama grew up in the country. They got it in where they could.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: Going to church was also a part of growing up that's different now. The Black church is one of the most important institutions in American history. It's been a home that kept Black people unified during hard times, a social and political center that sparked historic movements, and a training ground for a generation of leaders and entertainers. So much of what makes Black culture unique comes from its roots in the Black church. And I grew up in a time when it was just a given that you went to church every Sunday. All three boring hours of it.