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Quote from Dean in Where No Dean Has Been Before

Latonya: It's time to get this party started. Where's the make-out room?
Dean: Make-out room? I d... I didn't know... I didn't... I... I... I... I didn't think that...
Latonya: It's cool. We'll just use one of the bedrooms.
Dean: Uh, uh, um, excuse me, hey, can... can... Can you just stay out of my mom and dad's room and my sister's? [door opens] Uh, how about we all just stay down here where it's... safe?
Franklin: We need some more kicks. You think the kid who lives here will mind if we took some of his dad's booze?
Dean: I'm the kid who lives here, and, yes, I do mind!
Franklin: Geez, just asking.
Hampton: It was nice that he asked.

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