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Quote from Kim in Brad Mitzvah

Dean: Okay, fine! I'll tell you. Charlene said that I can't be friends with Keisa anymore, which means I can't be with the rest of my friends, and now I'm gonna be stuck sitting with a bunch of toothless old people!
Kim: Why doesn't Charlene want you and Keisa being friends?
Dean: She said that, in order for us to have a healthy relationship, we have to stop being friends with people of the opposite sex.
Kim: [laughs] That sounds like the [bleep] they put in Seventeen for White people.
Dean: Now I'll be stuck sitting with a bunch of boring girls Charlene sits with.
Kim: Why don't you just get Charlene to become friends with Keisa? Then her friends are your friends and you can all hang out together.
Adult Dean: It was in moments like these that I remembered that Kim wasn't just my sister; she was a girl, too. She actually knew how girls worked!
Dean: Yeah. You're right. Thanks, Kim. You know, I-I didn't really want to tell you at first, but... [Kim turns the car radio on]

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