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Quote from Adult Dean in Lads and Ladies and Us

Lillian: You know how important first impressions are. I want everyone at Lads and Ladies to know how special you are. [Kim rolls her eyes] Roll those eyes again, and I'll make sure they get stuck that way. Now, act smart, well-spoken, well-mannered in front of the adults. Be respectful and remember to show that you're up on current events.
Adult Dean: Current events? I was 12. I thought a Dixiecrat was a new kind of sundae at Dairy Queen.
Dean: What's the point of this Lads and Ladies thing? I mean, I already have friends, and I don't have to dress up to go see them.
Lillian: It's an organization made up of prominent families who do really good work in our community. These are the type of successful people I want you to be around, so I need you two to be on your best behavior.
Adult Dean: Mama was always giving us speeches about being on our best behavior in public and representing our family well. What was she afraid we were gonna do?
Dean: [sneezes, belches]
Kim: [holds rifle] Black! Blackness! Vietnam! [rifle cocks]

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