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Quote from Bruce in Home for Christmas

Bruce: Hey. Can I join your sit-in?
Dean: No. I'm trying to end this war. And you don't care.
Bruce: Okay. That's not true. I want to end the war, too, but I also want to help my guys from my platoon get home safely.
Dean: So you care about them more than you do your own family?
Bruce: Of course not, Dean. But you all are safe here.
I just want to make sure my buddies get to spend next Christmas with their little brothers.
Adult Dean: When Bruce said that, I realized that all those soldiers I saw enlisting today had families that felt the same way as mine. Or worse, like the parents we visited yesterday who lost their son. I still didn't want my brother to go, but at least I could understand why he was going.
Bruce: So... you think we can get home now? I got something I want to show you.
Dean: Okay.
Bruce: Plus, we gotta get that sign back to Kim's room before she knows it's missing, because she'll murder you. [chuckles]
Adult Dean: By the way, my plan to end the war in Vietnam did work. It just took another seven years.

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