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Quote from Michael Scott in Sex Ed

Donna: [on the phone] Hello?
Michael Scott: Hi Donna. It's Michael.
Donna: Michael, I didn't think I'd here from you. How have you been?
Michael Scott: I have a disease, for which there is no known cure, that has been sexually transmitted to me.
Donna: Oh no.
Michael Scott: I can't even say it. H-I...
Donna: Oh my God.
Michael Scott: ...R-P-E-E-S
Donna: Wait, you're calling to tell me that you have herpes?
Michael Scott: No, I am calling to see if you gave me herpes. Because if you did I would be able to avoid a lot of sucky conversations. So you have it right?
Donna: Umm, no.
Michael Scott: Does your stupid husband have it?
Donna: No! He doesn't. Are you telling me I have to get tested?
Michael Scott: Yes, I am telling you you have to get tested for herpes. Good-bye!

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