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Quote from Michael Scott in New Boss

Michael Scott: All right, let me introduce you to some of the troops. Accounting, front and center. Come on up here, I'd like you to meet somebody. This is the accounting department.
Charles: Hey, I come from accounting, too.
Michael Scott: Oh, wow. Nerd alert. This is Oscar Martinez. He is Latino. And he just got out of a long-term relationship with a man, Gil, who broke his heart. But he didn't bring any of that into work. It did not affect his job performance whatsoever. And I'm very proud of him for that.
Charles: Hey, Oscar. It's good to meet you.
Michael Scott: This little hell-raiser is Angela. She has slept with a bunch of different guys in the office. One over there, in the orange.
Andy: Hey-o!
Michael Scott: Hey-o! Where's the other?
Charles: You know, Michael, I don't need to know everyone's sexual history.
Michael Scott: Well, perfect. Because we have now arrived at Kevin, and he has no sexual history.

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