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Quote from Ryan in Did I Stutter?

Ryan: Listen, while I have you here with Toby, I need to give you a formal warning about your job performance.
Jim: A formal warning?
Ryan: It's actually not a joke. I know how you spend your time here. I know how little you care about your job. And honestly, if you spent as much time selling as you do goofing around with Dwight and hanging out at reception, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Jim: I'm sorry, is this because I talked to Wallace about your website? Because I really didn't mean to go over your head.
Ryan: This is nothing to do with that, all right? I always appreciate constructive criticism about my job performance. I thrive on it.
Jim: I'm sorry, then do you mind explaining it a little better? 'Cause I'm not sure-
Ryan: Whoa. Don't get all defensive, okay? It's just a warning. If you want details, Toby can provide them. You take it easy, all right?

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