Frankie Quote #512

Quote from Frankie in The Math Class

Frankie: [v.o.] Well, thanks to that new high-speed internet we tried free for 90 days, the principal did get my e-mail and called to say Sshe wanted to meet Mike and me as soon as we got off work.
Mike: Hi. We're the Hecks. We're here to see Principal Larimer.
Receptionist: Oh, you're Brick's parents. He has Ms. Rinsky, doesn't he? Isn't she the best? I just love her.
Frankie: Really? I just love my family members. I think it's a really overused word.


 ‘The Math Class’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Mike: What happened, buddy? You don't get D's. We're kinda counting on you to pull up the family average.
Brick: I'm reading at an eighth grade level. Why can't I please you people?!
Frankie: Just reading isn't gonna get you into college.
Brick: Oh, I'm not going to college. I've decided to live with you guys forever. [whispers] Forever.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Okay. Well, see, Brick got a D on his math test.
Ms. Rinsky: Sometimes kids get D's... But not your son. Oh, no. He has to be perfect at every single thing he does, right, Mommy?
Frankie: [laughs] I... You know, Ms. Rinsky, you're very funny. Brick never mentioned how funny you are.
Ms. Rinsky: Are you helping him with his homework?
Frankie: Oh, no. He does it all himself.
Ms. Rinsky: He's getting a D. Maybe you should help him.
Frankie: Oh, no. We do. We do. We totally do. It's just that we can't help him, 'cause we don't really understand it ourselves.
Ms. Rinsky: Okay, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm going to set aside some extra time. An evening next week... to teach parents a math class.
Frankie: Oh! That would be so... Wait. What? A class for parents?
Ms. Rinsky: Is there a problem?
Frankie: No. That just sounds like a lot of work... For you.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] What was I worried about? It had been months since I last saw Ms. Rinsky. She might not even remember me.
Frankie: [knocks] Hi. Ms. Rinsky. Frankie Heck. Brick's mom?
Ms. Rinsky: Oh! Not today.
Frankie: [v.o.] She remembers me.
Frankie: Would you like me to come back another time?
Ms. Rinsky: No. Sit. Talk. Unburden yourself during my limited free time.