Frankie Quote #314

Quote from Frankie in Back to School

Frankie: [v.o.] All my getting ahead of it for nothing? Well, at least I knew for sure I helped Sue.
Announcer: [o.s.] And now your 2010 cross-country team. Let's hear it.
Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, Sue was happy because I'd gotten on top of it. She'd worn her new cross-country sweatshirt all week long.
[As Sue and the other members of the cross-country team walk into the gymnasium through a welcome banner, Sue passes out and falls to the ground. Her teammates trip over her]
Boy: [o.s.] Oh, man. Are they okay?


 ‘Back to School’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Ta-da!
Brick: Nah, I think I'll keep the new one. Thanks, though.
Frankie: You just said that you missed it. You said it was throwing you off.
Brick: I can't tell if it's you or the backpack, but something smells pretty rank. Besides, the other kids in my class seem to like this... Shaquille O'Neal character. Maybe it'll help me fit in more. [whispers] Shaquille O'Neal character.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: And Sue's middle name would be?
Frankie: You know her middle name. "Sue." Remember?
Mike: Oh.
Frankie: They wrote it down twice on her birth certificate by accident. We keep saying we're gonna go down and change it, and we never do.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Well, the new backpack and I are not getting along. At all.
Frankie: What happened?
[flashback to Brick walking around the classroom with his backpack on his head]
Frankie: Why was your backpack even on your head?
Brick: I was seeing if it had the same echo as my old one. It doesn't.