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Quote from Mike in The Par-Tay

Mike: Listen to this. So, I'm at the hardware store just now. I see Bill. He didn't even wave at me.
Frankie: Did you wave to him?
Mike: No. I don't wave at him. It's... not our relationship. Oh, great. Now I'm calling what we have a relationship. Now I'm calling it "what we have." What's happening?!
Frankie: What do you mean, you don't wave to him?
Mike: He waves, then I nod. That's what we do.
Frankie: So did you nod?
Mike: No, I didn't nod... because he didn't wave. He waves, I nod. He failed to initiate the sequence, not me.
Frankie: Seems complicated.
Mike: I think we're in a fight... Only, it's kind of a girly one. And I'm not too thrilled with Ron Donahue, either... clucking like a hen, telling Bill he saw his plumber coming over to me.
Frankie: Yep. You're in a girly fight.

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