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Quote from Rita Glossner in The Wind Chimes

Rita Glossner: What's your deal against my chimes? My chimes are pretty. I'm trying to beautify the neighborhood. [tosses cigarette butt]
Frankie: Yeah. Oh, beauty is good. Could always use more beauty. Never met anyone who said "Go easy on the beauty," right?
Rita Glossner: I am trying to cultivate a sense of inner peace 'cause I just came back from a 6-to-9-month mandatory... spa.
Frankie: Oooh! Spa! Well, that explains why you look so relaxed.
Rita Glossner: I got a lot of rage in me. Probably 'cause I'm going through the pre-menopause. I'm not sleeping, I'm hot all the time. I mean, I still like sex plenty. That's not an issue, like it is with you. No wonder you only got three kids if you sleep in that.
Frankie: Well... they all look the same tossed at the foot of the bed. Am I right? [chuckles] Anyhoo... rest assured you will not be hearing a peep out of me, at least when I'm awake. The conscious me loves the wind chimes.
Rita Glossner: Well, if you want to stay conscious... you better.
Frankie: [chuckles] Well, I guess you have to get going, 'cause your ankle bracelet is flashing. [Rita runs off]

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