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The Quote

Quote from Brick in The Second Act

Mike: Okay, I'm trying to let you off the hook here, but you need to get that you did something wrong. You ignored me and the Morrisons three times.
Brick: Not three times, 'cause the first time I didn't even hear you.
Mike: Whatever. You ignored me twice.
Brick: So I'm being punished for ignoring you twice?
Mike: I told you, I'm not punishing you.
Brick: 'cause I'm just saying, when you're reading the sports page, and I try to talk to you, you tell me I'm being rude for interrupting. But when someone interrupts my reading, I get punished.
Mike: I'm not punishing you!
Brick: I just need some clarification.
Mike: You want some clarification? Fine. You're punished. Two weeks!
Brick: Two weeks without what?
Mike: [o.s.] I'll get back to you!

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