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Quote from Frankie in Halloween II

Frankie: [pants] You know, I said, "I'm sorry", and when someone says, "I'm sorry," do you know what the correct response is? "That's okay." 'Cause we're all out here just trying our best, and when you say something nasty, that affects people. That hurts people. For your information, these kids all have social problems, all of 'em. Like, this one won't eat anything that isn't red. And this one here meows. My son whispers-
Henry: I talk too loud and interrupt!
Frankie: I got this, Henry. The point is you don't know what some mom might be dealing with, 'cause not every kid is a perfect princess, which is an adorable costume, by the way. See? I'm spreading goodness in the world, not rudeness and judgment, 'cause a world where people don't say "That's okay" after someone says "I'm sorry", is not a world that I want to live in.
Woman: I'm sorry?
Frankie: That's okay.

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