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Quote from Mike in Back to School

Frankie: I thought we could do it, Mike. I really thought we could get ahead of it. But everything just got screwed up.
Mike: Yeah. I never thought we could do it.
Frankie: You didn't?
Mike: No. It's not possible. You can't get ahead of it. You try to plug one leak, and another one just pops up.
Frankie: What are you saying? I should just quit trying?
Mike: Yes, please. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Frankie: Mike.
Mike: Look, you gave it a shot. You had an idea. And you'll wanna remember I was completely supportive. Thing is, Frankie, there are people that have it all together, and everything works out. We're not those people. We don't have a in-ground-pool life. We have an above-ground life.
Frankie: But it seems kind of lazy to just give up.
Mike: Don't think of it as giving up. Think of it as getting ahead of the quitting. Everybody gives up by Christmas anyway. Think of how far ahead we'll be of all those idiots who are still trying.

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