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Quote from Brick in The Bee

Judge: The next word is "chiaroscurist."
Sue: Oh, my God.
Mike: No, he knows this one.
Frankie: What?
Mike: He studied this one. He knows it. Yeah. He knows it. He knows it.
Frankie: [v.o.] And in that moment, it all melted away... All the stress and the sore backs and the complaining and the fighting. We were there for one reason and one reason alone: to cheer our littlest member to his hard-won victory. Our victory.
Brick: "Chiaroscurist." C-H-I-A-R-O-S-C-U-R-I-S-T. [whispers] T. [bell rings]
Judge: Oh, I'm sorry. There's only one T.
Frankie: No, no, no.
Mike: He knows there's only one T. It's just that he has quirks.
Frankie: He studied that word.
[As Frankie, Mike, Sue and Axl bicker with the judges, Brick knocks over the microphone and storms off stage]

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