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Quote from Mike in Valentine's Day

Frankie: You were invited to a boy-girl party?
Sue: Uh-huh. By an eighth grader. He asked Carly to come, and she asked if she could bring a friend, and the guy said yes.
Mike: [o.s.] No boy-girl parties.
Sue: Mom, that is totally unfair. We're, like, the only two people in the class that haven't been to one yet. And then all of a sudden Carly got invited, and now this is our chance. Please, Mom, please.
Frankie: I didn't say that you couldn't. But your dad and I have to discuss it.
Mike: No boy-girl parties. End of discussion.
Sue: Axl was going to boy-girl parties when he was 12.
Mike: Yeah, well, we were bad parents then. We've learned from our mistakes.
Sue: I am growing up. Why can't you trust that the values you've instilled are strong enough to keep me from making bad decisions?
Frankie: Mike, she's in junior high now. She's ready.
Mike: But I'm not.
Frankie: Oh. [Mike nods his approval] [Sue squeals]

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