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Quote from Mike in The Interview

Axl: No funnel cake? No rides? Ah, this fair sucks. Let's just get our jobs and get out of here.
Mike: Axl, this is what you gotta do to get a job. Now, watch and learn.
Charles: Welcome to CFB Consulting. I'm Charles F. Barnes, a.k.a. CFB.
Mike: Hi, Mike Heck.
Charles: Well, Mike, let's see that résumé. First of all, I'd say you have a major font problem.
Mike: What?
Charles: Ah. It's a little dry. I can give your résumé a complete makeover for $100. Now, if you want a more comprehensive career consultation, my weekend packages start at $500. It's a better price than any of these other booths.
Mike: Wait. This is a racket. There are no jobs here. You just lure people who are out of work so you can sell them crap they can't afford.
Charles: Just trying to make a living.

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